How to vote on June 9th Swiss votations: my opinion

Published by Nathan on
tl;dr: no to everything.This is a short article where I give my opinion on the upcoming votations.Keep health insurance premiums to no more than 10% of income (Premium Relief Initiative)In Switzerland, our mandatory health insurance is a goverment mandate. The... Read More

Freelancer hiring is broken and here's the fix

Published by Nathan on
Contest based freelance site
I've been hiring freelancers for the past five years and have spent over $10K on freelancing sites. Those marketplaces are a wonderful thing: they connect extremely talented people from countries you've never visited with employers and entrepreneurs like yourself, allowing you to buil... Read More

Contra review - 0% fee freelancing platform site

Published by Nathan on
Contra is a really interesting freelancing platform to analyse because it challenges a few of the values of the big guys (Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork, ...) and has also raised a lot of money: ... Read More